Youth Unemployment and Society
INDEXContentsContributors Foreword KLAUS J. JACOBS Introduction JEYLAN T. MORTIMER : INVESTMENT IN YOUTH 1 Youth, unemployment and marginality: The problem and the solution LAURA E. HESS, ANNE C. PETERSEN, AND JEYLAN T. MORTIMER 2 Social capital, human capital, and investment in youth JAMES S. COLEMAN 3 When may social capital influence children's school performance? JOHN MODELL Reply to John Modell JAMES S. COLEMAN Reply to James S. Coleman JOHN MODELL II MACROSOCIAL PERSPECTIVES 4 The historical context of transition to work and youth unemployment HELMUT FEND 5 The causes of persistently high unemployment MICHAEL WHITE AND DAVID J. SMITHvi Contents III INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVES 6 Concepts of causation, tests of causal mechanisms, and implications for intervention MICHAEL RUTTER 7 Individual differences as precursors of youth unemployment JEYLAN T. MORTIMER 8 The psychosocial consequences of youth unemployment ADRIAN FURNHAM IV SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES AND INTERVENTIONS 9 Societal consequences of youth unemployment HANNIE TE GROTENHUIS AND FRANS MEIJERS 10 Social roles for youth: Interventions in unemployment STEPHEN F. HAMILTON V IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH 11 Youth: Work and unemployment A European perspective for research HANS BERTRAM 12 Conclusion: Social structure and psychosocial dimensions of youth unemployment. WALTER R. HEINZ