Indian Child Labour
INDEXPreface viiiList of Figures xvti List of Tables xix List of Cases xxi CHILD LABOUR AND ITS SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS 1 1.1 Concept of Child Labour. 1.2. Magnitude of the Problem. 1.3. Nature of Child-Work. 1.4. Child Labour and Delinquency. 1.5. Desirability of Work for Children. 1.6. Employers' Viewpoint. 1.7. Need of Protection against Exploitation. II. CAUSES OF CHILD LABOUR 2.1. Poverty. 2.2. Low Wages of the Adult. 2.3. Unemployment. 2.4. Absence of Schemes for Family Allowance. 2.5. Migration to Urban Areas. 2.6. Large Families. 2.7. A Cheap Commodity. 2.8. Non-existence of Provision for Compulsory Education. 2.9. Illiteracy and Ignorance of Parents. 2.10. Traditional Attitudes. 2.11. Other Reasons. III. TRADITIONAL PROTECTION 3.1. England. 3.2. America. 3.3. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3.4. India. 3.4.1. Ancient India. 3.4.2. British India. 3.4.3. Independent India. 3.5. Other Countries. IV. ILO'S CONCERN FOR THE CHILD 4.1. Minimum Age. 4.2. Medical Examination. 4.3. Night Work. V. THE INDIAN LEGAL UMBRELLA 5.1. Constitutional Provisions. 5.2. Legislative Enactments. 5.2.1. The Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933. 5.2.2. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948. 5.2.3. The Factories Act, 1948. 5.2.4. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951. 5.2.5. The Mines Act, 1952. 5.2.6. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. 5.2.7. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961. 5.2.8. The Apprentices Act, 1966. 5.2.9. The Atomic Energy Act, 1962. 5.2.10. The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Condition of'Employment) Act. 1961. 5.2.11. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. 5.2.12. The Shops and Establishments Acts in Various States. 5.3. A Comparative Study. 5.3.1. Definition of Child. 5.3.2. Minimum Age of Employment. 5.3.3. Medical Examination. 5.3.4. Working Hours. THE EFFICACY OF THE REMEDIAL MEASURES 6,1. Extent of Child Labour. 6.1.1. Agriculture. 6.1.2. Factories. State-wise Distribution. Industry-wise Distribution. 6.1.3. Plantations. 6.1.4. Mines. 6.1.5. Unorganised and Informal Sectors. 3. Remuneration. 4. Repercussions on Physical and Mental Health. 5. Utility and Limitations of Legislative Enactments. 5. Implementation of Schemes. 7. Role of Trade Unions, Voluntary .Organisations, Political Parties and the Media. BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX