Advancing the Global Campaing Against Child Labor:

Book : Advancing the Global Campaing Against Child Labor:

Author : * Elaine L.Chao

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : Washington

Publish Date : May 2000

Publisher : T.C. Çalışma Bakanlığı

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 1250


Table of Contents
I. Introductory Addresses
Alexis M. Herman, Secretary of Labor .......... .
Juan Somavia, Director General,
International Labor Organization .............. .
Tom Harkin, Senator .........................
Tom Niles, President, US Council for
International Business ........................
John Sweeney, President, AFL-CIO ............ .
Gene Sperling, National Economic Advisor ..... .
II. Addresses to the Conference by Ministers of Labor Jorge Nieto Menendez, Minister of Labor and Social Security, El Salvador .....
Surendra Hamal, State Minister for
Labor andTransport, Nepal .................. .
William Lukuvi, Deputy Minister for
Labor and Youth Development, Tanzania ....... .
III. Conversation With Former Working Children
Julekha Akhter, Bangladesh, age 15 ............ .
Juan Alberto Hernandez, Guatemala, age 14 .... .
Mwaja Mahundi, Tanzania, age 13 ............ .
IV. Panel Presentations
Panel A: Raising Awareness Against Child Labor
1. The Global March Against Child
Labor, Kailash Satyarthi .................. .
2. Brazil: Mobilizing Journalists to Advocate for Children's Rights, Geraldinho Vieira ....................... .
3. The Philippines: Advocacy and Awareness-Raising Campaign Against Child Labor, Alcestis Mangahas .... .
4. A Closer Look: Where There's School,
There's Hope, by Luz Rimban ............. .
5. Tanzania: Awareness-Raising and
Social Mobilization to Prevent Child Domestic Servitude, Vicky Kanyoka ................ .
6. A Closer Look: The Plight of Young Clirls
in Domestic Work, by Rose Haji ........... .
7. Kenya: Utilizing the Grassroots
Structure of Local Trade Unions in the
Movement Against Child Labor,
Francis Atwoli ....................... .
Panel B: Implementing
Effective Strategies in the Workplace
1. Bangladesh: A Multilateral Collaboration to Eliminate Child Labor in the Export-Oriented Garment Industry, Anisur . Rahman Sinha ....................... .
2. A Closer Look: Reaching for Bigger Dreams, Aasha Amin Mehreen ........... ...... .
3. Pakistan: Eliminating Child Labor in the Soccer Ball Industry, Aseema Zahoor ...................... .
4. A Closer Look: Light in Bhagwal Awan,
by Salman Rashid .................... .
5. Central America: Cooperative Effort
to End Child Labor in the Coffee Industry, Rijk van Haarlem .....
6. A Closer Look: Coffee's Children,
by Maite Puertes ..................... .
7. Guatemala: Finding a Long-Term
Solution to Child Labor in the Coffee Sector, William Hempstead Smith ............. .
8. Turkey: Using Training to Promote Local
Ownership of Interventions to Eliminate Child Labor, Dr. Irfan Yazman ............... .
9. Nepal: The Rugmark Way of Restoring
Childhood, Saroj Rai .................. .
10. A Closer Look: The Children Who Made Carpets, by Naresh Newar ............. .
Panel C: Providing Educational Opportunities
1. Thailand: Developing Quality of Life - "Sema Pattana Chivit" - for Girls at Risk of Being Lured into Prostitution, Savitri Suwansathit ................... .
2. A Closer Look: Life before Death: Making the Choice, by Chitraporn Vanaspong ............ .
3. Kenya: Capacity Building for
School Dropouts, Paschal Wambiya .... .
Advancing the Global Campaign Against Child Labor: Progress Made and Future Actions
4. India: Bridging the Gap Between
Home and School, Shantha Sinha ...... .
5. A Closer Look: Torch-Bearers of Tomorrow, by Geetha Raghuraman .............. .
6. Dominican Republic: A Program for the Elimination of Child Labor in Commercial Agriculture, Karen Ovalles ............ .
7. A Closer Look: Sandy Goes to School,
by Ruth Herrera .................... .
Panel D: Reworking the Economic Equation: Raising Family Earnings Potential
1. Guatemala: Child Labor in the Stone Quarries of Retelhuleu, Maribel Rodriguez .................. .
2. A Closer Look: The Boys at the "Beach," by Carlos Bendfeldt ...
3. Peru: Elimination of Child Labor in the Huachipa Brick Sector, Rochelle Beck ....................... .
4. Nepal: Toward the Elimination of Bonded Child Labor, Uddhav Raj Poudyal ......
5. A Closer Look: Freedom At Last,
by Naresh Newar ................... .
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Annual Review of Public Health Volume 1, 1980