Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTSReviews 273 Problems and perspectives in the identification of new occupational carcinogens P Vineis, A Blair Original articles 279 Lung cancer mortality among workers in the European production of man-made mineral fibers - a Poisson regression analysis P Boffetta, R Saracci, A An-dersen, PA Bertazzi, J Chang-Claude, G Ferro, AC Fletcher, R Frentzel-Beyme, MJ Gardner, JH Olsen, L Simonato, L Teppo, P Westerholm, P Winter, C Zocchetti 287 Oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer as a cause of death among Swiss cooks I Foppa, CE Minder 293 Work-related electrical fatalities in Australia, 1982-1984 PL Harvey-Sutton, TR Driscoll, MS Frommer, JE Harrison 298 Fecundity and the use of video display terminals LPA Brandt, CV Nielsen 302 Menstrual-cycle characteristics and work conditions of workers in poultry slaugh-terhouses and canneries K Messing, M-J Saurel-Cubizolles, M Bourgine, M Kaminski 310 Knee disorders in carpet and floor layers and painters J Kivimaki, Hilkka Riihimaki, K Hanninen 317 Biological monitoring of occupational exposure to low levels of benzene K Pekari, S Vainiotalo, P Heikkila, A Palotie, M Luotamo, V Riihimaki 323 Tetanus caused by occupational accidents M Luisto, A-M Seppalainen Case studies 327 Severe farmer's lung following a workplace challenge J Kokkarinen, H Tukiainen, EO Terho Reports 329 Meeting of the IARC working group on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans from occupational exposures to mists and vapors from strong inor-ganic acids and other industrial chemicals H Vainio, J Wilbourn, E Heseltine 333 Announcements