Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTSReviews 1 Carcinogenicity of mercury and mercury compounds P Boffetta, E Merler, H Vainio 8 Formaldehyde exposure and respiratory cancer - a meta-analysis of the epidemi-ologic evidence T Partanen Original articles 16 Lung cancer among textile workers in the Prato area of Italy M Zappa, E Paci, A Senior! Costantini, D Kriebel 21 Measuring work organization exposure over the life course with a job-exposure matrix JV Johnson, WF Stewart 29 Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of high-voltage laboratory cable splicers exposed to electromagnetic fields K Skyberg, I-L Hansteen, Al Vistnes 35 Contribution of the tonic vibration reflex to muscle stress and muscle fatigue H-S Park, BJ Martin 43 Shoulder tendinitis and its relation to heavy manual work and exposure to vibration B Stenlund, I Goldie, M Hagberg, C Hogstedt 50 Bias in risk estimates from variability of exposure to postural load on the back in occupational groups A Burdorf 55 Hepatic metabolism of toluene after gastrointestinal uptake in humans J Baelum, L Molhave, S Honore Hansen, M Dossing Shorter communications 63 Solvents in pesticides G Petrelli, G Siepi, L Miligi, P Vineis Reports 66 The International Commission on Occupational Health: past and present S Hern-berg Book reviews 68 Risk factors for cancer in the workplace 69 Occupational health in developing countries 71 Announcements