Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTS - volume 24, no 2,1998Editorial 81 Bridging the generation gap Huuhtanen P Reviews 85 Health and productivity of older workers Robertson A, Tracy CS Original articles 98 Ectopic pregnancy and occupational exposure of hospital personnel Bouyer J, Saurel-Cubizolles M-J, Grenier C. Aussel L. Job-Spira N 104 Prevalence of antibodies specific to Puumala virus among farmers in Sweden Ahlm C. Thelin A, Elgh F, Juto P, Stiemstrom E-L, Holmberg S, Tarnvik A 109 Radiographic abnormalities among Finnish construction, shipyard and asbestos industry workers Koskinen K, Zitting A, Tossavainen A, Rinne J-P, Roto P, Kivekas J, Reijula K, Huuskonen MS 118 Occupational risk factors of lung cancer in Sao Paulo, Brazil Wunsch-Filho V, Moncau JE, Mirabelli D, Boffetta P 125 Variability in the skin exposure of machine operators exposed to cutting fluids Wassenius 0, Jarvholm B, Engstrom T, Lillienberg L, Meeting B 130 Duration of acute exposures to vibration and finger circulation Bovenzi M. Lindsell CJ, Griffin MJ 138 Vibration-induced white finger and cold response of digital arterial vessels in occupational groups with various patterns of exposure to hand-transmitted vibration Bovenzi M 145 Occupational factors affecting sick leave attributed to low-back pain Wickstrom GJ, Pentti J Short communications 153 Predictors of blood lead concentrations in the lead-free gasoline era Nielsen JB, Grandjean P, Jergensen PJ Book reviews 157 Biological monitoring methods for industrial chemicals 158 News 159 Noted elsewhere 159 Announcements