Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTS - volume 25, suppl 1,19993 Preface 5 Design options and sources of bias in time-to-pregnancy studies Olsen J 8 Methods for obtaining valid data on time to pregnancy among men and women Joffe M 10 Analysis of time-to-pregnancy data Keiding N 12 Environmental semen studies - is infertility increased by a decline in sperm count? Bonde JPE, Hjollund NHI, Kolstad HA, Abell A, Larsen SB 17 Measuring endocrine profiles of women in field studies Kesner JS, Knecht EA, Krieg EF Jr 20 Characteristics of fertile menstrual cycles Baird DD 23 Quality assurance of semen analysis in multicenter studies Giwercman A, Spano M, Lahdetie J, Bonde JPE, Asclepios 26 Analysis of chromosome aneuploidy in sperm by fluorescence in situ hybridization - a new approach to the study of male fertility in environmental exposures Lahdetie J, Larsen SB, Harkönen K, Asclepios 28 Flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay as an independent descriptor of human semen quality Spano M, Kolstad H, Larsen SB, Cordelli E, Leter G, Giwercman A, Bonde JPE 31 Stereological methods as efficient and unbiased tools to quantitate structures in the testis Petersen PM, Giwercman A. Pakkenberg B 34 Seasonal variation of semen quality and fertility Levine RJ 38 General psychosocial and work-related stress and reduced fertility Henriksen TB 40 Critical aspects of male fertility in the assessment of exposure to lead Apostoli P, Porru S, Bisanti L 44 Effects of occupational solvent exposure on fertility Lindbohm M-L 47 Hospital work and fecundability Zielhuis G, Peelen SJM, Florack EIM, Roeleveld N CONTENTS (continued from back cover) 49 Objectives, designs and populations of the European Asclepios study on occupational hazards to male reproductive capability Bonde JPE, Jotte M, Danscher G, Apostoli P, Bisanti L. Giwercman A, Kolstad HA, Thonneau P, Roeleveld N, Vanhoorne M, Asclepios 62 Time to pregnancy and paternal exposure to pesticides in preliminary results of Danish and French studies Thonneau P, Larsen SB. Abell A, Clavert A, Bonde JPE, Ducot B. Multigner L, Asclepios 64 Time to pregnancy and occupational lead exposure Joffe M, Bisanti L, Apostoli P, Shah N, Kiss P, Dale A. Roeleveld N, Lindbohm M-L, Sallmen M. Bonde JPE. Asclepios 66 Time to pregnancy for men occupationally exposed to styrene in several European reinforced plastics companies Kolstad HA, Bisanti L, Roeleveld N, Bonde JPE. Joffe M, Asclepios 70 Sperm chromatin structure and semen quality following occupational styrene exposure Kolstad HA, Bonde JPE, Spano M, Giwercman A, Zschiesche W, Kaae D, Roeleveld N, Asclepios 74 Seminal characteristics following exposure to pesticides among agricultural workers Larsen SB, Giwercman A, Spano M, Bonde JPE, Asclepios 76 Concluding panel on direction for future research on male reproductive capability Hjollund H, reporter