Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTS - volume 25, suppl 3,1999Preface List of participants Articles 5 Ambient air pollution and respiratory health in the east Baltic region Jedrychowski W 17 Environmental radioactivity, population exposure and related health risks in the east Baltic region Balonov MI, Krisyuk EM, RameI C 33 Environmental pollution and human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the east Baltic region Hemminki K, Veidebaum T 40 Environmental health in the Baltic region - toxic metals Skerving S, Bencko V, Vahter M, Schütz A, Gerhardsson L 65 Environmental health in the east Baltic region - pesticides and persistent organic compounds Tuomisto J, Hagmar L 72 Environmental policy in economies in transition Zylicz T