Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTS - volume 27, suppl 1, 20013 Introduction 10 Description and rationale of the temporal critei used in this document 11 Definitions of the upper extremity body regions 12 Case definitions and criteria for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders 12 How to use criteria for specific upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders 14 1. Radiating neck complaints 17 2. Rotator cuff syndrome 21 3. Epicondylitis - lateral and medial 26 4. Ulnar nerve compression at the elbow: cubital tunnel syndrome 31 5. Radial nerve compression: radial tunnel syndrome 35 6. Flexor-extensor peritendinitis or tenosynovitis of the forearm-wrist region 39 7. De Quervain's disease 43 8. Carpal tunnel syndrome 48 9. Ulnar nerve compression at the wrist: Guyon canal syndrome 52 10. Raynaud's phenomenon and peripheral neuropathy associated with hand-arm vibration 59 11. Osteoarthrosis of distal upper-extremity joints 62 12. Nonspecific upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders 66 Criteria for the work relatedness of upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders 73 Acknowledgements 74 Reference Appendices 80 A: Description of provocative tests 93 B: Glossary of acronyms 94 C: Tabular summary of evidence for work factors 101 D: Coding of the International Classification of Diseases for disorders in this document 102 E: Quick scan to decide what case definitions have to be checked