Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent

Book : Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent

Author : * Ramesh Kanbargi

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : New Delhi

ISBN : 81-7036-237-7

Publish Date : January 1991

Publisher : Sage Publications India Pvt.Ltd.

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 1495


List of Tables
List of Maps and Illustrations
I Introduction and Overview
1. Introduction and Overview Ramesh Kanbargi
II. Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent-Its Extent and Determinants
2. Participation of Children in Economic Activity: A Regional Analysis of Rural India Murali Dhar Vemuri and U.V.K.V. Sastry
3. Demographic and Social Dimensions of Child Labour in India K. Sivaswamy Srikantan
4. Child Labour in Rural Bangladesh: Some Findings
from a Relatively Developed Village
5. Child Labour in Dryland Agriculture in India N.S. Jodha and R.P. Singh
III. Child Labour, Fertility and Schooling: A Statement of the Problem and Status of Current Knowledge
6. Child Labour and Fertility: An Overview, an Assessment and an Alternative Framework Tim Dyton

6/Child Labour in the Indian Subcontinent
7. An Assessment of Studies Linking Child Labour and Fertility Behaviour in Less Developed Countries Michael Vlassoff
IV. Consequences of Child Labour on Schooling and Fertility
8. Child Work, Schooling and Fertility in Rural Karnataka, India Ramesh Kanbargi and P.M. Kulkarni
9. The Family Economy in South India:
Micro-Perspectives on Child Labour, Value and its Contribution Abusaleh Shariff
Note on Contributors Index