Child Labour in India -A Bitter Truth

Book : Child Labour in India -A Bitter Truth

Author : * Mohd. Mustafa * Onkar Sharma

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : New Delhi

ISBN : 81-7100-842-9

Publish Date : January 1997

Publisher : Deep&Deep Publications

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 1497


1. Child Labour in India : Myth and Reality
2. Working Conditions, Wages and Earnings of Working Children
3. Child Labour Laws
4. Supreme Court Judgements on Child Labour
5. Conclusions and Suggestions
1. NGO Efforts in Programming for Working and Street Children
2. Child Labour in Carpet Industry
3. High Concentration of Child Labour
4. Sparing a Thought for the Slum Children on Diwali
5. Child Labour Problems Need People's Movement Index