Eliminating The Worst Forms of Child Labour

Book : Eliminating The Worst Forms of Child Labour

Author : * Juan Somavia * Anders B.Johnsson

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : Geneva

ISBN : 92-2-112900-4

Volume : 182

Publish Date : January 2002

Publisher : International Labour Office (ILO)

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 1615


What does the Handbook contain? Executive summary
Seven questions concerning child labour and its worst forms
Question 1: What is meant by child labour and the worst forms
of child labour?
Question 2: What are the causes of child labour?
Question 3: Why is it urgent and important to take action against the worst forms of child labour?
Question 4: How do international labour standards and other international treaties address the worst forms of child labour?
Question 5: What programmes should be implemented to eliminate the worst forms of child labour?
Question 6: Who can make the difference, in the country and in the international community?
Question 7: What is the role of parliamentarians?
Seven measures by which parliamentarians can contribute to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour
Measure 1: Ratify ILO Conventions Nos. 138 and 182
Measure 2: Adopt and enforce legislation to prohibit the worst forms of child labour
Measure 3: Establish programmes to eliminate the worst forms
of child labour
Measure 4: Monitor and evaluate progress towards the elimination of the worst forms of child labour

Measure 5: Provide the financial and human resources needed to eliminate the worst forms of child labour
Measure 6: Mobilize public opinion and form alliances to eliminate the worst forms of child labour
Measure 7: Promote international cooperation to prohibit and eliminate the worst forms of child labour
Reference material
Texts of principal international labour standards concerning child labour and the worst forms of child labour
ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work Report form (ratified Convention): Convention No. 182 . . .
Memorandum concerning the obligation to submit Conventions and Recommendations to the competent authorities
Model letter, instrument and declaration
How and where can one obtain additional information? ILO Offices around the world