The State of Children and Women in Turkey
INDEXCONTENTSExecutive Summary L Introduction General Measures of Implementation IL Implementation oil the CRC and CEDAW in Turkey The Definition of the Child and Discrimination Against Women The Definition of the Child Discrimination against Women General Principles Non -discrimination ftcsi Interests of [he Child Survival and Development Respect for the Child's Opinion Civil Riyhts and Freedom Name and nationally and preservation of identity Freedom of Expression, Access to Information, Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, Freedom of Association and Peaceful Assembly, and Protection of Assembly Family Envirtmmenc and Alternative Care Parental Guidance and Responsibility Separation from Parents, Family Reunification and Illicit Transfer of Children The Rights of Adopted Children and Adoptee Families Protection from Abuse and Neglect and Rehabilitation of Children Discrimination against Women with Regard to Marriage and Family Relations Health and Nutrition Disability ancf Disabled Children Health System inTurkey: The Right to Health Access to Health Services: Maternal and Child Health Fertility, Contraceptive Use and Abortion Social Security, Child Care Services and Welfare Status Housing Facilities and Conditions Education, leisure and Cultural Activities Children in Formal Education Children in Non-formal Education Women's Education Children in Need of Special Education Leisure, Recreation and Cultural Activities Special Protection Measures Children in Conflict with the Law Child Soldiers Children in Situations of Exploitation Refugee Children Drug Abuse Sexual Abuse, Sexual Exploitation, and the Abduction of Children Children Affected Iroin Natural Disasters Violence against Women Human and Financial Reauurces for the Implementation of CRC and CEDAW Economic Resources Organisational and Human Resources III. Future Opportunities List of Abbreviations Selected References