In the Twiliğht Child Workers in The Hotel, Tourism and catering İndustry

Book : In the Twiliğht Child Workers in The Hotel, Tourism and catering İndustry

Author : * Maggie Black

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : Geneva

ISBN : 92-2-109194-5

Publish Date : January 1995

Publisher : International Labour Office (ILO)

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 1771


A note on terminology
1. Children in tourism and entertainment: An overview
Change and evolution in "child work"
The association of tourism with child sexual exploitation . Children in the '''open-air economy
The quest for information
2. Why do children work in tourism and hotels?
The modern tourist industry.
The development impact of tourism
Employment of young people in the sector
Factors "pushing" children to work in the sector.
The "pull" factors
3. The impact of their work experience on children in hotels and tourism
The economic exploitation of child workers
The impact on physical health and development
The special implications for girls

The health implication of sexual work Psycho-social impact on child workers The loss of adult guardianship and nurture. . Social, educational and cultural costs
4. Responses to the predicament of children in travel and entertainment
Deficiencies of situation analysis
The need to expand advocacy
Legislation and law enforcement
Projects and programmes.
5. Towards an agenda for action