Combating Child Labour
INDEXCONTENTSForeword Preface 1. Child labour: Problems, policies and programmes (Assefa Bequele and Jo Boyden) The scope of the problem Forms of child employment, and associated risks Work and income Work, training and schooling Child workers and their rights Policies on child labour and working children Legislation The world between law and practice A framework for policies and programmes Recent developments in policy Programmes on child labour and working children Types of programmes Lessons Problems Conclusion Part I: The context 2. Child labour in Egypt: Leather tanning in Cairo (Ahmed Abdalla) Introduction Child workers in the leather-tanning industry in Cairo The survey Working conditions Market forces and the extent of child labour Policy choices and implications Minimum age legislation: Problems of implementation . . . . Implications of effective implementation Conclusion Combating child labour 3. Child labour in Colombia: Bogota's quarries and brickyards (Maria Cristina Salazar) Introduction Child workers in Bogota's quarries and brickyards The background The quarries The brickyards The role of children Child labour, household income and adult employment . . . Child labour and schooling Choices and benefits The demand for child labour Conclusion 4. Child labour in Peru: Gold panning in Madre de Dios (Jesus Guillen-Marroquin) Introduction Gold panning in Madre de Dios The production process The labour force Survey findings Conclusions and recommendations 5. Child labour in the Philippines: Wood-based and clothing industries (Institute of Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines) Introduction A profile of the child workers and their families A profile of the enterprises Terms and conditions of employment Forms of employment The clothing industry The wood industry Factors affecting child labour Implications for child health and development Policy implications 6. Child labour in India: The carpet industry of Varanasi (Ramesh Kanbargi) Introduction The Indian carpet industry The survey of working children The area studied The data A profile of the child workers The two large factories The household survey Policy implications 7. Child labour in the Philippines: The Muro-Ami deep-sea fishing operation (Henk van Oosterhout) Introduction The Muro-Ami fishing operation The background The local fishing industry The Muro-Ami Fishing Corporation Recruitment and working conditions Contracts and payments Policy options The issue of abolition Alternative income and employment Improvement of the Muro-Ami operation Part II: Policies and programmes 8. Alternative services for street children: The Brazilian approach (William Myers) Introduction Serving street children in Brazil Defining the problem Searching for alternative solutions Organising to promote change Results and lessons Effective programmes for street children Development of effective delivery channels The effectiveness of government channels The question of community substitution for government . . . 9. Child labour policies and programmes: The Indian experience (Ashok Narayan) The national policy framework Legislative action The National Policy on Child Labour Government programmes for child workers The Sivakasi project The Varanasi project Non-governmental programmes for child workers The Indian Institute of Rural Workers Jaya Rajendra Rag-pickers' Project, Bangalore, Karnataka . . Rehabilitation of child labour, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Conclusion and recommendations 10. Child labour policies and programmes in Kenya (Piilista P. M. Onyango) Child labour in Kenya: An overview National policy objectives and instruments Combating child labour Institutional framework for policy formulation and implementation Case studies of projects Community drama project The Undugu Society of Kenya 11. The protection of working children and the abolition of child labour: Hong Kong (Pong Ping-Kwun) Legal framework The incidence of child labour Enforcement policy The role of education Identity cards and proof of identity Social security benefits Employment policies and social aspirations Conclusion 12. Child labour policies and programmes in the Philippines (Bureau of Women and Young Workers) Policy framework Institutional framework Experiences in programme formulation and implementation . . . Inter-Agency Task Force on Child Labour in the Muro-Ami Fishing Operation The "street school for street children" The Institute for the Protection of Children's "drop-in centre" Smokey Mountain" project Conclusion 13. National policies and programmes for child workers: Peru t Jo Hoyden) Introduction National policy objectives and instruments Institutional framework for policy formulation and implementation Micro-level programmes Huch'uy Runa Gente del Mariana Caritas de Lima Manthoc Conclusion 14. Child labour policies and programmes in Colombia (Maria Cristina Salazar) Institutional and legal frameworks Case studies Child workers in marginal urban areas of Bogota Child workers in Bogota's cemeteries Conclusions Lessons for programme design and implementation . Difficulties in programme design and implementation Figure 1. Child labour: A policy framework Tables 1. Tasks of child workers in the Madabigh workshops according to employers 2. Daily working hours of child labourers in the Madabigh workshops 3. Children's perceptions of problems in the working environment . . 4. The incidence of work-related accidents according to the Madabigh employers, 1982-85 5. Family circumstances and parents' employment status of child workers in the Madabigh district 6. Average annual cost of schooling per child per annum, Egypt . . 7. Distribution of employees by sex and age in the Madabigh workshops 8. Madabigh employers' perceptions of effects of replacing child workers by adults 9. Length of work experience for children in quarries and brickyards 1. School attendance among children working in quarries and brickyards 11. Signs and symptoms experienced by child workers and schoolchildren within two weeks prior to interview, by broad categories 12. Non-specific signs and symptoms experienced by child workers and schoolchildren within two weeks prior to interview 13. Relative weight of child workers and schoolchildren 14. Social, economic and demographic indicators, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and India 15. Average number of members and adult workers per household by caste and religious group 16. An estimate of the number of economically active children aged 12-13 in Hong Kong, 1967, 1971 and 1981 17. Occupations of children interviewed at Villa Javier 18. Age distribution of the Villa Javier children