O E M Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
INDEXContents2000 (Volume 57, Number 1). [Index by author] Methodology Papers Short reports Correspondence Find articles in this issue containing these words: [Search ALL Issues] To see an artkle, click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts, check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the "Get All Checked Abstracts' button. To see one abstract at a time, click its [Abstract] link. Methodology Reporting of occupational and environmental research: use and misuse of statistical and epidemiological methods Lesley Rushton Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 1-9. [Abstract] [Full text] D Papers Occupational exposure to carcinogens in the European Union Timo Kauppinen, Jouni Toikkanen, David Pedersen, Randy Young, Wolfgang Ahrens, Paolo Boffetta, Johnni Hansen, Hans Kromhout, Jeronimo Maqueda Blasco, Dario Mirabelli, Victoria de la Orden-Rivera, Brian Pannett, Nils Plato, Anja Savela, Raymond Vincent, and Manolis Kogevinas Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 10-18. [Abstract] [Pull text] Neurobehavioaral effects of occupational exposure to cadmium: a cross sectional epidemiological study M K Viaene, R Masschelein, J Leenders, M De Groof, L J V C Swerts, and H A Roels Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 19-27. [Abstract] [Full text] Cohort study of occupational risk factors of low back paht in construction workers Ute Latza, Wilfried Karmaus, Til Stümer, Markus Steiner, Axel Neth, and Uwe Render Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 28-34. [Abstract] [Full text] Cross sectional study of a workforce exposed to hand-arm vibration: with objective tests and the Stockholm workshop scales Kenneth L McGeoch and W Harper Gilmour Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 35-42. [Abstract] [Full text] p Respiratory health surveillance in a toluene di-isocyanate production unit, 1967-97: clinical observations and lung function analyses M Gerald Ott, Julia E Klees, and Sandy L Poche Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 43-52. [Abstract] [Full text] Investigation of factors which might indicate susceptibility to particulate air pollution G J Prescott, R J Lee, G R Cohen, R A Elton, A J Lee, F G R Fowkes, and R M Agius Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 53-57. [Abstract] [Full text] D Short reports 4 Prospective study of work related respiratory symptoms in trainee bakers Renata De Zotti and Massimo Bovenzi http://oem.bmjjouraals.com/content/vol57/issuel/ 01.08.2002 Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 58-61. [Abstract] [Full text] Two patients with occupational asthma who returned to work with dust respirators Yasushi Obase, Terufumi Shimoda, Kazuko Mitsuta, Hiroto Matsuse, and Shigeru Kohno Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 62-64. [Abstract] [Full text] £1 Incidence of cancer among workers exposed to vinyl chloride in polyvinyl chloride manufacture S Langard, J Rosenberg, A Andersen, and S S Heldaas Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 65-68. [Abstract] [Full text] Correspondence Pilots' fitness, a time for questions PETER SAUNDBY; and K EDGINGTON Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 69-71 [Full text]