Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXContentsEditorial Improving exposure assessment requires measurements and modeling Schneider T Reviews Dermal exposure assessment in occupational epidemiologic research Vermeulen R, Stewart P, Kromhout H Original articles Time control, catecholamines and back pain among young nurses Elfering A, Grebner S, Semmer NK, Gerber H Work-schedule characteristics and reported musculo-skeletal disorders of registered nurses Lipscomb JA, Trinkoff AM, Geiger-Brown J, Brady B Exposure to carcinogenic air pollutants among policemen working close to traffic in an urban area Maitre A, Soulat J-M, Masclet P, Stoklov M, Marques M, de Gaudemaris R Cancer incidence among workers in the asbestos-cement producing industry in Norway Ulvestad B, Kjasrheim K, Martinsen JI, Damberg G, Wannag A, Mowe G, Andersen A Time to pregnancy among partners of men exposed to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Modigh CM, Bodin SLV, Lillienberg L, Dahlman-Hoglund A, Akesson B, Axelsson G Trends in inhalation exposure to hydrocarbons among commercial painters in The Netherlands Burstyn I, Kromhout H Short communications Silicosis and end-stage renal disease Steenland K, Rosenman K, Socie E, Valiants D Book reviews Safety analysis: principles and practice in occupational safety Salminen S, reviewer Announcements