Advancing the Campaign Against Child Labor

Book : Advancing the Campaign Against Child Labor

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : U.S.A.

Publish Date : January 2002

Publisher : U.S. Department of Labor

Book Type : Report

Book Number : 2199


I. Introduction
A. Congressional Mandate and Legislative Requirements ....
B. Scope of Report..............................................................
C. Country Profile Format...................................................
1. The Incidence and Nature of Child Labor
2. Children's Participation in School.........................
3. Child Labor Law and Enforcement.....................
4. Addressing Child Labor and Promoting Schooling
5. Selected Data on Government Expenditures ........
D. Sources of Information.......................................................
1. Reports and Other Materials...................................
2. Period of Public Submission ..................................
3. Field Visits...........................................................
E. Definitions and Concepts ...................................................
1. Child Labor...........................................................
2. The Worst Forms of Child Labor ...... .......
3. Economically Active Children ...............................
4. Formal and Informal Sector ...................................
5. Primary Gross and Net School Attendance
6. Primary Gross and Net School Enrollment
II. A Global Perspective
A. The Worst Forms of Child Labor......................
1. Forced Labor.........................................
2. Children of War .....................................
3. Commercial Sexual Exploitation
4. Children Involved in Illicit Activities....
5. Other Hazardous Forms of Child Labor . B. Combating Child Labor......................................
C. Evidence from 33 Countries........................

Country Profiles
1. Bangladesh...............
2. Benin........................
3. Bolivia......................
4. Brazil........................
5. Cambodia................
6. Costa Rica.
7. Dominican Republic
8. Egypt........................
9. El Salvador
10. Ethiopia....................
11. Ghana ..
12. Guatemala.............
13. Haiti .........................
14. Honduras..................
15. India........................
16. Indonesia..................
17. Kenya.......................
18. Lesotho ....................
19. Mali ........
20. Nepal........................
21. Nicaragua.................
22. Nigeria...................
23. Pakistan....................
24. Panama.....................
25. Peru ....... .
26. Philippines ...............
27. Romania...................
28. South Africa . ......
29. Tanzania...................
30. Thailand.................
31. Togo.........................
32. Uganda.....................
33. Zambia....................

IV. Appendices
Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D
Appendix E: Appendix F:

Child Labor Data Methodology ...............................
Detailed Tables ......................................................
Table of Ratifications and ILO Membership...........
ILO Convention No. 138 on Minimum Age
for Employment.......................................................
ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms
of Child Labor ......
List of Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) Publications on Child Labor.......................................