Differential Mortality Methodological Issues and Biosocial Factors

Book : Differential Mortality Methodological Issues and Biosocial Factors

Author : * Lado Ruzicka * Guillaume Wunsch * Penny Kane

Language : English

Library : Population

Publish Place : New York

ISBN : 0-19-828651-1

Publish Date : January 1989

Publisher : Clarendon Press-Oxford

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 2211


List of Contributors Part I Introduction
Problems and Issues in the Study of Mortality Differentials Lado Ruzicka
Part II Methodological Issues
1 Conceptual Frameworks and Causal Modelling Josianne Duchene and Guillaume Wunsch
2 The Integration of Demographic and Epidemiologic Approaches to Studies of Health in Developing Countries Ronald H. Gray
3 Some Methodological Issues in the Assessment of the Deceleration of the Mortality Decline Shiro Horiuchi
4 Measures of Preventable Deaths in Developing Countries: Some Methodological Issues and Approaches Stan D'Souza
Part III Biological and Social Factors
5 Changing Trends in Mortality Decline during the Last Decades Eduardo E. Arriaga
6 Trends in Socio-economic Differentials in Infant Mortality in Selected Latin American Countries Jose Miguel Guzman
7 Socio-economic Differentials in Infant and Child Mortality in Indonesia in the 1970s: Trends, Causes, and Implications Budi Utomo and Meiwita Budiharsana Iskandar
8 Determinants of Child Mortality in Turkey Nusret H. Fisek
9 Effects of Inter-birth Intervals on Infant and Early Childhood Mortality Alberto Palloni

10 Mortality and Health Dynamics at Older Ages George C. Myers
Part IV Crisis Mortality
11 Crisis Mortality: Extinction and Near-extinction of Human Populations Andre Bouckaert
12 Famine in China 1959-61: Demographic and Social Implications Penny Kane