Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXCONTENTSARTICLES Negotiating Accountability: Managerial Lessons From Identity-Based Nonprofit Organizations Sonia Ospina, William Diaz, and James F. O'Sullivan Does Participation in Voluntary Associations Contribute to Social Capital? The Impact of Intensity, Scope, and Type Dag Wollebaek and Per Selle Development of Trust in Rural Nonprofit Collaborations Keith Snavely and Martin B. Tracy Information Struggles: The Role of Information in the Reproduction of NGO-Funder Relationships Alnoor Ebrahim Organizational Capacity and Organizational Effectiveness Among Street-Level Food Assistance Programs Peter Eisinger RESEARCH NOTE Higher Education-Community Partnerships: Assessing Progress in the Field David ]. Maurrasse INSIGHT Does Civil Society Stop the Downward Spiral of Bad Government or Speed it Up? Arthur C. Brooks REVIEWS The Global Public Management Revolution: A Report on the Transformation of Governance by Donald F. Kettl Making Nonprofits Work:A Report on the Tides of Nonprofit Management Reform by Paul C. Light REVIEWED BY MELISSA M. STONE Artisans of Democracy: How Ordinary People, Families in Extreme Poverty, and Social Institutions Become Allies to Overcome Social Exclusion by Jona M. Rosenfeld and Bruno Tardieu REVIEWED BY RAM CNAAN Leaders Who Make a Difference: Essential Strategies for Meeting the Nonprofit Challenge by Burt Nanus and Stephen M. Dobbs REVIEWED BY LEDA MCINTYRE HALL The Struggle for Accountability: The World Bank, NGOs and Grassroots Movements edited by Jonathan A. Fox and L. David Brown REVIEWED BY DAVID LEWIS