Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXCONTENTSARTICLES Collaborative Windows and Organizational Governance: Exploring the Formation and Demise of Social Service Partnerships Lois M. Takahashi and Gayla Smutny Organizational Innovation in Victorian Social Housing Susannah Morris Beyond Charitable Choice: The Diverse Service Delivery Approaches of Local Faith-Related Organizations David Campbell Support Organizations and the Evolution of the NGO Sector L. David Brown and Archana Kalegaonkar RESEARCH NOTE Nonprofit Management Students: Who They Are and Why They Enroll Mark I. Wilson and R. Sam Larson INSIGHT Holding Ourselves Accountable: Managing by Outcomes in Girls Incorporated Susan Houchin and Heather Johnston Nicholson REVIEWS Voluntary Organizations and Innovation in Public Services by Stephen P. Osborne Voluntary Organizations and Social Policy in Britain: Perspectives on Change and Choice edited by Margaret Harris and Colin Rochester REVIEWED BY RALPH M. KRAMER Private Sector Strategies for Social Sector Success: The Guide to Strategy and Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations by Kevin P. Kearns REVIEWED BY DIANE VINOKUR-KAPLAN Grassroots Associations by David Horton Smith REVIEWED BY SIEGRUN FOX FREYSS Democracy and Association by Mark E. Warren REVIEWED BY JACQUELYN THAYER SCOTT Making Collaboration Work: Lessons From Innovation in Natural Resource Management by Julia M. Wondolleck and Steven L. Yaffee REVIEWED BY STEPHANIE KADEL-TARAS The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector edited by J. Steven Ott Understanding Nonprofit Organizations: Governance, Leadership, and Management edited by J. Steven Ott REVIEWED BY MARTHA GOLENSKY Philanthropy and Law in Asia edited by Thomas Silk REVIEWED BY LEON IRISH