Trade unions and child labour

Book : Trade unions and child labour

Author : * A. Fyfe * M. Jankanish

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : Geneva - Switzerland

ISBN : 92-2-109514-2

Publish Date : January 1997

Publisher : International Labour Offıce Geneva

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 255


Preface ............................................................................................................vii
List of abbreviations ......................................................................................xi
1. Child labour: An overview of the problem and response .............. 1
Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
The problem of child labour......................................................................4
The response to child labour ..................................................................16
Priorities for action in child labour ..........................................................19
Child labour, trade unions and education ..............................................24
2. A growing commitment:
Examples of trade union action ...............................................
Trade unions as part of a planned sharing of responsibility
between government and civil society: The case of Brazil ................32
Breaking down the wall of silence:
The ICFTU child labour campaign ..........................................................41
Trade unions as part of a multi-agency plan of action
in the garment industry: The case of Bangladesh ..............................53
Combating child labour in the rural sector:
The case of the United Republic of Tanzania ........................................56
Trade unions as part of child labour coalitions:
The case of the United States ..................................................................58Trade unions and child labour
3. A framework for trade union policy and action to combat
child labour ............................................................................................6l
The role of trade unions ..........................................................................6l
Ten steps to improve trade union participation in child labour
activities ................................................................................................62
Getting off to the right start ? finding out about child labour ............68
4. The wider picture: The international response to child labour ....75
The International Labour Organization....................................................75
Other UN agencies and instruments ........................................................82
Trade and labour standards....................,.................................................84
Annex 1. Selected ILO standards and resolutions on child labour ..........89
Annex 2. Excerpts from United Nations Conventions and Declarations 100
Annex 3. Selected ILO publications on child labour ..............................103
Bibliography ................................................................................................105