Children Working In Industrial Sites And Tisk Activities On Child Labour
INDEXCONTENTS FOREWORD ....... INTRODUCTION PART 1 CHILD LABOUR INDICATORS IN TURKEY. 1. Comparison of the 1994 and 1999 Child Labour Survey Results Conducted by the State Institute of Statistics (SIS) ....................... 2. SIS Child Labour Survey Results of October 1999 (Age Group 6-17)................................. 3. Reasons for Child Employment in Economic Activities, According to the SIS Surveys......................................... PART II LEGAL FRAMEWORK........................................................... ....... 1. National Laws on Child Labour............................................. 2. International Standards on Child Labour Adopted by Turkey. PART III TİSK AND ITS ACTIVITIES ON CHILD LABOUR ........................... 1. Structure and Activities of TİSK ............................................. 2. TiSK Projects Realised on Child Labour................................. 3. TİSK Bureau for Working Children .......................................PART IV TiSK VIEWS AND PROPOSALS ON CHILD LABOUR ANNEX: NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF EMPLOYER ASSOCIATIONS AFFILIATED TO TİSK ........................