Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTSEditorial 3 Environmental tobacco smoke - a major preventable cause of impaired health at work Antti Zitting, Kirsti Husgalvel-Pursiainen, Jorma Rantanen Articles 7 Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in Finland in 2000 Kauppinen TP, Virtanen SV 16 Prevalence of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work and at home -15-year trends in Finland Jousilahti P, Helakorpi S 21 Biomarkers in the assessment of exposure and the biological effects of environmental tobacco smoke Husgafvel-Pursiainen K 30 Involuntary smoking and lung cancer Boffetta P 41 Environmental tobacco smoke and the risk of cardiovascular disease Jousilahti P, Patja K, Salomaa V 52 Effects of environmental tobacco smoke on the respiratory health of adults Jaakkola MS, Jaakkola JJK 71 Effects of environmental tobacco smoke on the respiratory health of children Jaakkola JJK, Jaakkola MS 84 Effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on reproductive health Llndbohm M-L, Sallmen M, Taskinen H