Safety in numbers
INDEXTable of contents 1. Safety in numbers About two million people are killed by their work every year 2. The challenge 2.1 Extent of the problem 2.2 Deaths: 2 million a year 2.3 Regional trends 2.4 Non-fatal diseases: 160 million a year 2.5 Accidents: 270 million a year 2.6 Globalization 2.7 Psychosocial factors and emerging issues 2.8 High-risk sectors 2.9 Gender 2.10 Child labour 2.11 HIV/AIDS 2.12 Labour inspection 3. SAFETY PAYS 3.1 Does good occupational safety and health cost too much? 3.2 Cost of work accidents and illness: over $1,250,000 million a year . 3.3 Safety and competitiveness 3.4 The business case: safety and the bottom line 3.5 Reputation and responsibility 4. A global safety culture 4.1 Safety culture - how? 4.2 ILO Standards 4.3 The way ahead 4.4 Strategies 4.5 Aims SOURCES AND RESOURCES