Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXCONTENTSARTICLES Fostering Neighborhood Democracy: Legitimacy and Accountability Within Loosely Coupled Systems Robert J. Chaskin Flexible Response in Changing Environments: The German Third Sector Model in Transition Ingo Bode What Factors Affect the Entry and Exit of Nonprofit Human Service Organizations in Metropolitan Areas? Eric C. Twombly RESEARCH NOTES Grassroots Associations Versus Larger Nonprofits: New Evidence From a Community Case Study in Arts and Culture Stefan Toepler Response Rates for Mail Surveys of Nonprofit Organizations: A Review and Empirical Test Mark A. Hager, Sarah Wilson, Thomas H. Pollak, and Patrick Michael Rooney FORUM Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing a Rights-Based Approach to Development: An Oxfam America Perspective Raymond C. Offenheiser and Susan H. Holcombe Commentary John Clark Response Raymond C. Offenheiser and Susan H. HolcombeINSIGHTS Dissolving Dualities: The Case for Commonsense Replication David Racine BOOK REVIEWS Nonprofit Boards That Work: The End of One-Size-Fits-All Governance by Maureen K. Robinson The Art of Trusteeship: The Nonprofit Board Member's Guide to Effective Governance by Candace Widmer and Susan Houchin Creating Caring and Capable Boards: Reclaiming the Passion for Active Trusteeship by Katherine Tyler Scott REVIEWED BY DAVID O. RENZ