International Child Health: A Digest of Current Information
INDEXCONTENTSREGIONAL EXPERTS' PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOP ON CHILD LABOR IN AFRICA: SAFETY, HEALTH AND PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Sponsoring Agencies International Labour Office International Pediatric Association World Health Organization United Nations Children's Fund Host Agencies Societe Senegalaise de Pediatrie Union of National African Pediatric Societies and Associations Coordinated and Organised by Professor Niilo Mailman Foundation for Pediatric Research (Helsinki); IPA Dakar, Senegal 4-5 December 1993 Editorial Welcome and Introductory Remarks Professeur F. Falkner Professeur M. Fall ....... Professeur M. Gabr Monsieur F. Roselaers Dr. M. Dembele .......... List of Participants Message from Madame Elisabeth Diouf (Wife of Monsieur Abdou Diouf. President. The Objectives of the Workshop Republic of Senegal) ...........The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour: An International Response to Child Labour Horst Habenicht ...................... Reports of Working Groups Group I: Health Consequences Arising from Hazardous Work .............. Work and Its Relation to the Health and Psychosocial Development of a Child Philista Onyango ..................... Exposure of Working Children to Toxic Substances; Its Medical Control Michael A. McGuigan ... The Relationship of Child Health and Psychosocial Development to Work Adenike Grange ............... Group II: Programme Strategies for Preventive, Promotional and Curative Health Care and Psychosocial Well Being of Working Children, with Particular Emphasis on Primary Health Care .............. Group III: Role of Community, Governments, NGOs, and International Agencies in Promoting Community Mobilisation and Awareness-Raising ........................... Strategies on Health, Development and Safety Problems of Child Labour P.M. Shah ........................... Case Studies on Hazardous Child Labour Dulce P. Estrella-Gust ..... An Occupational Safety and Health Approach to Children in Hazardous Work V. Forastieri .............................. Summary of Workshop Proceedings and Recommendations Presented to the Plenary Session of the UNAPSA Congress The Dakar Declaration on Child Labour Closing of the Workshop Ndioro Ndiaye ................Child Labour in Africa Michel Bonnet .............. Child Labour Ihsan Dogramaci Health Status of Working and Street Children and Alternative Approaches to their Health Care P.M. Shah ...................................... Forthcoming Meetings Notes to Contributors