Practicing Adolescent Medicine : A Collection of Resources
INDEXTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION I: INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS Introduction Practice Management and the Teenage Patient: A Practical Approach to Adolescent Care in the Clinical Setting William A. Long, Jr, MD, FAAP; Donald A. Dian, MD, FAAP; and Robert J. Senior, MD, FAAP What Teens Want in a Pediatrician Mary-Ann B. Shafer, MD, FAAP AAP Policy Statement: Preparing for Adolescent Medicine A Cognitive Perspective on Medical Expertise: Theory and Implications H.G. Schmitt, PhD; G.R. Norman, PhD; and H.P.A. Boshuizen, PhD SECTION II: ADOLESCENT HEALTH EVALUATION Introduction The Adolescent Health Maintenance Examination John D. Rowlett, MD, FAAP; Donald E. Greydanus, MD, FAAP; and Dilip R. Patel, MD, FAAP Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services Arthur B. Elster, MD; Naomi J. Kuznets, PhD; American Medical Association, Department of Adolescent Health. The Sports Physical Paul G. Dyment, MD, FAAP AAP Policy Statement: Recommendations for Participation in Competitive Sports Medical Exclusion From Sport Michael A. Nelson, MD Guide for Office Parent Interview Edward M. Gotlieb, MD, FAAP, and Jaquelin S. Gotlieb, MD, FAAP Health Supervision Checklist Section on Adolescent Health, Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio Things That Worry Me Section on Adolescent Health, Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio SECTION III: PRACTICE SETTING AND HEALTH PROMOTION Introduction Priority Health Behaviors in Adolescents: Health Promotion in the Clinical Setting Roberta K. Beach, MD, MPH, FAAP Quality vs Quantity: Pediatrician's Dual Responsibility Mary-Ann Shafer, MD How to Make the Most of an Adolescent's First Visit Andrea M. Marks, MD, FAAP Solutions: The Role of the Private Practitioner Introductory Comments I. Continuity and Communication Hyman C. Tolmas, MD, FAAP The Office Setting for Adolescent Care: Concerns of Physicians, Patients and Parents Rickey L. Williams, MD, MPH, FAAP SECTION IV: GYNECOLOGIC HEALTH CARE Introduction Incorporating Adolescent Gynecology Into a General Practice Estherann Grace, MD Solutions: The Role of the Private Practitioner III. Adolescent Gynecology Estherann Grace, MD Solutions: The Role of the Private Practitioner IV. Contraceptive Counseling: A Dissenting View William A. Long, Jr, MD, FAAP OBG Care for Teens: Cooperation Is the Key Maria Kassberg and Jo David SECTION V: BEHAVIORAL ISSUES Introduction Clinical Assessment and Management of Health Risk Behaviors in Adolescents Adele D. Hofmann, MD, FAAP. The Adolescent With Chronic Pains: Basic Principles of Psychosomatic Medicine Victor Strasburger, MD, FAAP, and Alison Reeve, MD Management of Aggressive Behavior: Parts I - III Helen D. Pratt, PhD The Use of Family System Theory and Techniques in Medical Practice With Children and Families Lauri Holmes, MSW SECTION VI: FINANCIAL ISSUES Introduction Solutions: The Role of the Private Practitioner II. Financial Considerations William A. Long, Jr, MD, FAAP. Office Visits by Adolescents Cheryl Nelson, MSPH Fee-for-Time System: A Conceptual Framework for an Incentive-Neutral Method of Physician Payment Tom J. Wachtel, MD, and Michael D. Stein, MD Obstacles to Adolescent Care: Economic Issues Ralph I. Lopez, MD, FAAP. Pediatric Procedural Terminology: "Principles of Coding," American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Practice Management and Ambulatory Medicine SECTION VII: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONCERNS Introduction Should Adolescents Make Their Own Health Care Choices? Elizabeth Meller Alderman, MD, FAAP, and Alan R. Fleischman, MD, FAAP Overcoming Obstacles to Adolescent Care: Legal Issues Abigail English, JD Legal Issues in Adolescent Sexual Health Angela R. Holder, LLM Mandatory Parental Consent to Abortion Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs American Medical Association Exploration for Physicians of the Mature Minor Doctrine Garry S. Sigman, MD, FAAP, and Carolyn O'Connor, Esq SECTION VIII: AAP COMMITTEE ON ADOLESCENCE POLICY STATEMENTS. .291 Adolescent Pregnancy, 1/89, reaffirmed 4/92 Alcohol Use and Abuse, 3/87, reaffirmed 4/92 (under revision) Care of Adolescent Parents and Their Children, 1 /89, reaffirmed 4/92 Contraception and Adolescents, 7/90 (under revision) Counseling the Adolescent About Pregnancy Options, 1 /89 Firearms and Adolescents, 4/92 Health Care for Children and Adolescents in Detention Centers, Jails, Lock-ups, and Other Court-Sponsored Residential Facilities, 12/89, reaffirmed 4/92 Homosexuality and Adolescence, 10/93 Marijuana: A Continuing Concern for Pediatrician, 11 /91 Rape and the Adolescent, 4/88 (under revision) Role of the Pediatrician in Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Children and Adolescents, 3/87 (under revision) School-Based Health Clinics, 4/87, reaffirmed 6/90 Screening for Drugs of Abuse in Children and Adolescents, 8/89 (under revision) Sexuality, Contraception, and the Media, 9/86, reaffirmed 4/92 Suicide and Suicide Attempts in Adolescents and Young Adults, 2/88, reaffirmed 4/92 Tobacco Use by Children and Adolescents, 3/87, reaffirmed 4/92 SECTION IX: BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR USE IN ADOLESCENT MEDICINE RESIDENCY TRAINING Bibliography APPENDIX AAP Publications INDEX SECTION ON ADOLESCENT HEALTH MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION