Standardization of Procedures for the Study of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
INDEXCONTENTS 1. Introduction..................... 2. Clinical manifestations associated with variants of G6PD . . 3. Criteria for the identification of various G6PD mutants . 4. Nomenclature..................... 5. Variants....................... 6. Geographical distribution ............... 7. Reference centres................... 8. Shipment and storage of blood samples......... 9. Recommendations................... Annex 1. The effect of drugs on G6PD-deficient red cells . . Annex 2. Standardized method for G6PD assay of haemolysates Annex 3. Summary of screening methods for G6PD deficiency in hemizygous males.............. Annex 4. Screening procedures : A. BCB dye test............... B. Methaemoglobin reduction test ....... C. MTT-linked spot test............ Annex 5. Electrophoretic characterization of G6PD variants . Annex 6. Partial purification of human red cell G6PD . . . Annex 7. Michaelis constants (Km's)........... Annex 8 Thermostability studies.............. Annex 9. Classification of G6PD variants by certainty of distinctiveness................. Annex 10. Geographical distribution of G6PD deficiency . .