Beyin Göçü Yazıları - Derleme-I

Book : Beyin Göçü Yazıları - Derleme-I

Language : English

Library : Turkish Immigration

Publish Place : Geneva

Volume : 1

Publish Date : July 2002

Publisher : International Labour Office (ILO)

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 3478


Skilled Labour Migration from Developing Countries : Study on the
Philippines (Florian A. Alburo, Danilo I. Abella)
Brain Drain and Gain :The Case of Taiwan (Kevin O'Neil)
Migration of Highly Skilled Persons from Developing Countries :
Impact and Policy Responses (B. Lindsay Lowell, Allan Findlay)
To Return or Not to Return? Politics vs. Economics in China's Brain
Drain (David Zweig)
The "Brain Drain" as a Global Phenomenon and Its Characteristics in
Russia (I.G. Ushkalov, I.A. Malakha)
International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain: A Study o 24
Labor-Exporting Countries (Richard H. Adams, Jr.)
Shifting Paradigms of Globalization : The Twenty-first Century
Transition towards Generics in Skilled Migration from India (Binod
The Internationalization of Professionals and the Assessment of Skills:
Australia, Canada and the U.S. (Robin Iradale)
Structuration of Indian Information Technology Professionals' Migration
to Australia : An Ethnographic Study (Biao Xiang)
Peopling Skilled International Migration : Indian Doctors in the UK
(Vaughan Robinson, Malcolm Carey)
Trends in Latin American Skilled Migration : "Brain Drain" or "Brain
Exchange"? (Adela Pellegrino)