Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTSEditorial 407 What symptoms can tell about building-related causes Schneider T Reviews 411 Eye irritation and environmental factors in the office environment-hypotheses, causes and a physiological model Wolkoff P, SkovS, FranckC, Petersen LN Orginal articles 431 Model for the work-relatedness of low-back pain Lötters F, Burdorf A, KuiperJ, Miedema H Commentaries 441 Does it help to know the work-relatedness of back pain in individual cases? Coggon D 442 Where to with meta-analysis?-first, do no harm Silverstein B Original articles (continued) 444 Validity of a single-item measure of stress symptoms Elo A-L, Leppanen A, Jahkola A 452 Physiological responses to four hours of low-level repetitive work Garde AH, Hansen AM, Jensen BR 461 Nasal symptoms among residents in moldy housing Ruoppi PI, Husman TM, Reiman MH, Nuutinen J, Hyvarinen AM, Nevalainen Al 468 Work technique of nurses in patient transfer tasks and associations with personal factors Kjellberg K, Lagerstrom M, Hagberg M Discussion papers 478 Dutch practice guidelines for managing adjustment disorders in occupational and primary health care van der Klink JJL, van Dijk FJH Letters 488 Health effects of reduced workhours? Eriksen HR, Svensen E, Tveito TH, Ursin H 489 Authors' reply Wergeland EL, Veiersted B, Ingre M, Olsson B, Akerstedt T, Bj0rnskau T, Varg N 490 Announcements