Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXCONTENTS ARTICLES Board Composition, Committees, and Organizational Efficiency: The Case of Nonprofits Jeffrey L. Callen, April Klein, and Daniel Tinkelman Understanding the Behavior of Nonprofit Boards of Directors: A Theory-Based Approach Judith L. Miller-Millesen Estimating Charitable Deductions in Giving USA Partha Deb, Mark O. Wilhelm, Patrick M. Rooney, and Melissa S. Brown PAPERS FROM THE 2002 ARNOVA CONFERENCE Introduction William A. Luksetich, Agnes Meinhard, and Elizabeth Mulroy Testing the Implementation, Board Performance, and Organizational Effectiveness of the Policy Governance Model in Nonprofit Boards of Directors Patricia Dautel Nobbie and Jeffrey L. Brudney Trust, Accreditation, and Philanthropy in the Netherlands Rene Bekkers Assessing Potential Accounting Manipulation: The Financial Characteristics of Charitable Organizations With Higher Than Expected Program-Spending Ratios John Trussel INSIGHTS Requestioning, Reimagining, and Retooling Philanthropy Michael A. BailinREVIEWS Neighborhood Self-Management: Experiments in Civil Society by Hillel Schmid Building Community Capacity (Modern Applications of Social Work) by Robert J. Chaskin, Prudence Brown, Sudhir Venkatesh, and Avis Vidal Asset Building & Community Development by Gary Paul Green and Anna Haines REVIEWED BY CYNTHIA JACKSON-ELMOORE The Charitable Impulse: NGOs and Development in East and Northeast Africa by Ondine Barrow and Michael Jennings (Eds.) Going Global: Transforming Relief and Development NGOs by Marc Lindenberg and Coralie Bryant REVIEWED BY JULIE FISHER The State of Nonprofit America Edited by Lester A. Salamon REVIEWED BY KEVIN KEARNS The Courage of Strangers: Coming of Age With the Human Rights Movement By Jeri Laber, with a Foreword by Vaclav Havel REVIEWED BY RICHARD MAGAT On Being Nonprofit: A Conceptual and Policy Primer by Peter Frumkin REVIEWED BY WOLFGANG BIELEFELD Index