The Bender-Gestalt Test
INDEXCONTENTS FOREWORD by David G. Wright, M.D................ PART I: QUANTIFICATION 1. Introduction ........................ Historical review; theoretical approach. 2. Administration and Scoring................................... Test administration;directions, precautions; scoring; development of scoring system, item analyses, weighting. 3. Reliability ........ ........................................ Scorer reliability, validity coefficients for two independent scorers; test reliability; effect of practice 4. Test Standardization........................ ................ Description of population; scores as a function of sex, drawing ability,I.Q., age, and education; standard (Z) scores. 5. Test Validity ............................................... Validity studies on matched groups, using raw scores; validity, using standard scores-population 474 normal adults and 356 adult psychiatric patients; study of test scores and Wechsler-Bellevue scatter; study of prognostic indication from test scores; use of the Bender-Gestalt in following the course of electrocon-vulsive therapy; use of the Bender-Gestalt as a screening device. PART II: CLINICAL USE OF THE BENDER-GESTALT TEST 6. Introduction ...................................... ......... 7. The Records of Children and Those with Cortical Deficit ......... Records of children, discussion of the deviations in each of the designs; comparison of records of mental defectives and of individuals with cortical damage with the records of children. 8. The Bender-Gestalt Test and Psychogenic Disorders............... Use of the Bender-Gestalt in clinical practice, discussion of high-scoring records, of low-scoring records, and of fluctuation of score on repetition of the test; some deviations as characteristic of diagnostic category. Tables References SCORING MANUAL Introduction ............................... Definitions and Evaluations of Scoring Deviations Design 1 ............................. Design 2 ............................. Design 3 ............................. Design 4 ..................... ....... Design 5 ............................. Design 6 ............................. Design 7 ............................. Design 8 ............................. Configuration......................... Score Sheets ....................... Atlas of Scored Records...................... INDEX.....................................