Child labour : A briefing manual
INDEXTable of contentsPreface ............................................................ vii I. Child labour: The ILO perspective Excerpt from the Report of the Director-General ........... 1 II. Child labour: Questions and answers by Assefa Bequele ...................................... 10 III. Child labour: Its regulation by ILO standards and national legislation - by Lee Swepston .......................................... 19 IV. Child labour: A framework for policies and programmes by Assefa Bequele ........................................ 33 V. Declaration of the Rights of the Child (Full text) ............ 44 VI. Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) (Full text) ............ 47 VII. Minimum Age Recommendation, 1973 (No. 146) (Full text) ........ 55 VIII. Ratification of ILO Conventions concerned with child labour ........................................... 60 IX. Minimum Age for admission to employment in ILO member States ........................................... 66 X. Selected references ........................................... 83