Approaches To Planning And Design Of Health Care Facilities In Developing Areas-29

Book : Approaches To Planning And Design Of Health Care Facilities In Developing Areas-29

Author : * B.M.Kleczkowski * * R.Pibouleau

Language : English

Library : Social Phsician

Publish Place : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 170029 7

Volume : 29

Publish Date : 00 1976

Publisher : World Health Organization WHO

Book Number : 4192


Tentative synoptic table of topics to be covered in the series Introduction to Volume 1..............,.....
The importance of legislation and administration for medical care facilities, with special reference to developing countries -R. F. Bridgman ........................
The role of area-wide planning and functional programming in the planning process of medical care - M. W. Miskiewicz .....
Rationalization of medical care buildings in developing countries J. Delrue ..........................
Advanced building techniques and their utilization in developing countries - W. F. Vetter ...................
Influence of climate on buildings - J. Shastri .........