A Child - At Any Price?
INDEXContents IN THIS ISSUE How should fertility be expressed in figures? The male factor Glossary FEATURES Prevention of infertility, From ethics to rights, by France Donnay Is the treatment of infertility a luxury in a world in the middle of a population expansion? by Marcel Vekemans The emotional impact of infertility in couples, by Ann Lalos To bear, or not to bear, by Silvia Tubert UNFPA FILE UNFPA involvement in infertility management, by Matanda Sabwa WHO FILE Reproductive health legislation in Central and Eastern Europe: new developments, by Mr S.S. Fluss EUROPEAN NEWS SECS - An active organization in Romania, by Beth Pedersen Raise in the use of family planning methods for migrant workers, by Muhsin Akbaba EURO works on infertility Note from Estonia, by Dr Pierotti Abortion legislation in Europe, 1991-1993, by Henry P. David RESEARCH Male fertility regulation: The challenges for the year 2000, by G.M.H. Waites WORLD NEWS Vietnam is overloaded by abortion practice with limited use of contraceptive methods, by France Donnay RESOURCES Books Documents Magazines/Newsletters General