Risk Of Disease And Disability

Book : Risk Of Disease And Disability

Language : English

Library : Health-Safety-Environment

Publish Place : Almanya

Publish Date : 00 1972

Book Number : 4399


1. Introduction . ......................
2. Definitions........................
3. Objectives........................
4. Types of risk criteria . .................
4.1 Risk criteria in relation to interventive action. . .
4.2 Personal characteristics. ..... ..... ....
4.3 Environmental characteristics ...... ......
4.4 Occupational risk factors ..............
5. Methods for ascertaining high risk persons ... .....
5.1 Identification by environment ............
5.2 Personal manifest characteristics ..........
5.3 Identification by test response characteristics ...
5.4 Identification from clinical data ..... .....
5.5 Problems in the ascertainment of high risk......
6. High risk identification in public health practice ....
6.1 A scheme for appraisal................
6.2 Some examples considered...............
7. Future developments....................
7.1 Risk criteria ....................
7.2 Selection of diseases ..... ....... ....
7.3 Cost-benefit.....................
7.4 The need for trials.................
7.5 Development of intervention techniques........
ANNEX I Symposium agenda.....
ANNEX II List of working documents ANNEX III List of participants. . .