Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu İstatistik Yıllığı-1980
INDEXKapsam ...................................................Coverage ................................................... A - isyeri ve sigortali sayıları, prim ödenen gunler ve ucretler Number of work places and insured persons, days of contributions and wages, 1 - isyeri sayıları ... The number of work places 2 - Sigortalı ve prim odeme gun sayilan, ucretler ...... The number of insured persons, days of contribution and wages B - Kuruma intikal eden sigorta vak'aları.................. Contingencies submitted to our institution 1 - iskazalariyle Meslek Hastalıkları .................. Work injury and occupational diseases 2 - Analık .......................................... Maternity 3 - Hastalık .......................................... Sicknees 4 - Malulluk, Yaslılık ve Ölüm Disability, Old-age and Death C - Tedavi faaliyeti ....................................... Activities of medical treatments Ek : Appandix Sosyal Sigortalar Kanununa tabi iskolları Branches of Work Covered By the Social Insurance Act