Nonprofıt and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXNONPROFIT and VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLYVolume 34 Number 3 CONTENTS ARTICLES Serving Up Sermons: Clients' Reactions to Religious Elements at Congregation-Run Feeding Establishments Rebecca Sager and Laura Susan Stephens Congregations in Low-Income Neighborhoods and Implications for Social VVelfare Policy Research Michael Leo Owens and R. Drew Smith Understanding Collaboration Among Nonprofit Organizations: Combining Resource Dependency, Institutional, and Network Perspectives Chao Guo and Muhittin Acar Doing Syringe Exchange: Organizational Transformation and Volunteer Commitment Margaret S. Kelley, Howard Lune, and Sheigla Murphy Why Get Involved? Reasons for Voluntary-Association Activity Among Americans and Canadians Monica Hwang, Edward Grabb, and James Curtis BOOK REVIEWS NGOs and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning by Alnoor Ebrahim REVIEWED BY NIDHI SRINIVAS Covenant House: Journey of a Faith-Based Charity by Peter J. Wosh REVIEWED BY RAM A. CNAAN Saving America? Faith-Based Services and the Future of Civil Society by Robert Wuthnow REVIEWED BY MİCHAEL LEO OWENS Civic Service: What Difference Does it Make? by James L. Perry and Ann Marie Thomson REVIEWED BY DAVID M. VAN SLYKE Begging for Change: The Dollars and Sense of Making Nonprofits Responsive, Efficient and Rewarding for All by Robert Egger REVIEWED BY PAMELA J. LELAND The Voluntary Sector by Jeremy Kendall REVIEWED BY FILIP WIJKSTROM The Study ofthe Nonprofit Enterprise: Theories and Approaches edited by Helmut Anheier and Avner Ben-Ner REVIEWED BY ALISON ANKER Third Sector Management: The Art of Managing Nonprofit Organizations by William B. Werther, Jr. and Evan M. Berman REVIEWED BY AJOAN E. PYNES