Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
INDEXCONTENTS — volume 29, no 4, 2003Editorial Regulatory actions to prevent work-related musculo-skeletal disorders—the use ot research-based exposure limits Fallentin N Reviews Adverse health etfects from amblent air pollution in re-lation to residential wood combustion in modern society Boman BC, Forsberg AB, Jârvholm BG Orginal articles Ettects of the implementation of an 84-hour workweek on neurobehavioral test performance and cortisol responsiveness during testing Persson R, 0rbask P. Ursin H, Kecklund G, Österberg K, Âkersîedt T Trends in the Danish work environment in 1990-2000 and their associations with labor-force changes Burr H, Bjorner JB, Kristensen TS, Tüchsen F, Bach E Problem-based learning versus lecture-based learning in postgraduate medical education Smiis PB, de Buisonje CD, Verbeek JH, van Dijk FJ: Metz JC, ten Caie OJ Prevention of farm injuries in Denmark Rasmussen K, Carsiensen O, Lauritsen JM, Glasscock DJ, Hansen ON, Jensen UF Exposure-response relationships tor hexahydrophthalic and methylhexahydrophthaiic anhydrides with total plasma protein adducîs as biomarkers Rosqvist S, Nielsen J, Welinder H, Rylander L, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG Medical costs of fourteen occııpational illnesses in the United States in 1999 Leigh JP: Yasmeen 5, Miller TR Short communieaîion Miîes in facilities for laboratory animals Pennanen SMA, Harju ATK Discussion papers Attenuation ot exposure-response curves in occupa- tional cohort studies at high exposure levels Stayner L, Steenland K, Döşemeci M, Hertz-Piccioito