Chıldhood Under Threat

Book : Chıldhood Under Threat

Author : * Carol Bellamy

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : New York

ISBN : 92-806-3817-3

Period : annual

Publish Date : November 2005

Publisher : UNİCEF

Book Type : Periodical

Book Number : 4690


With a foreword by
Kofi A. Annan,
of the United Nations................
Chapter 1..........................................
Chapter 4........................................
Statistical Tables..........................
General note on the data........
Under-five mortality rankings..................................
Table 1: Basic Indicators..........
Table 2: Nutrition......................
Table 3: Health..........................
Table 4: HjV/AIDS
Table 5: Education....................
Table 6: Demographic Indicators................................
Table 7: Economic Indicators..
Table 8: Women........................
Table 9: Child Protection..........
Summary Indicators................
Irıtroduction to Table 10..........
Table 10: The Rate of Progress................................
UNICEF Offices..............................
The world comes to recognize
the importance of childhood....................
The terms of childhood:
Children's rights........................................
The protective environment....................
Failure to achieve the Millennium Development Goals: Implications for childhood..............................................
1.1 Poverty, armed conflict and
HIV/AIDS threaten child survival....
When 1 + 1 is More Than 2......................
Poverty deprives children of
their rights................................................
Operational definitions of
deprivation for children..........................
Children's vvelfare and mother's property, a special contribution by Bina Agarwal......................................
Opportunidades: A poverty-reduction programme that vvorks..........................
2.1 Severe deprivation among children in the developing world,
by different deprivations..................
2.2 Severe deprivation among children in the developing
world, by region................................
2.3 Severe deprivation among children in the developing
vvorld, by country income group....
2.4 Child poverty in OECD countries....
2.5 Social expenditure and child poverty İn OECD countries..............
Childhood UnderThreat: Poverty..........
Girl soldiers: The untold story................
Uganda's 'night commuter' chiidren .... The Anti-War Agenda, 1996....................
Truth and reconciliation in Sierra Leone: Giving chiidren a voice..............
Reintegrating child soidiers:
Initiatives across Africa and Asia..........
UNlCEF's core commitments to chiidren in conflict and unstable situations..................................................
Back to school: Safeguarding
educaîion during complex
Dangerous assignınent: Going to school despite ongoing violence in lraq........................................................
Participation in emergency situations: Chiidren lead the way............................
3.1 Confiicts of high intensity, 1945-2003..........................................
3.2 VVhere the majör armed
confiicts are......................................
3.3 Main causes of food emergencies, 1986-2003..........................................
3.4 Landmines: The global picture........
Childhood UnderThreat: Conflict..........
The global threaî of HIV/AIDS................
The 'feminization' of HIV/AIDS..............
Chiidren with HIV/AIDS..........................
Antiretroviral treatment: Prolonging the lives of adults and chiidren living with HIV/AIDS..........................................
Going to school and thinking about the future: Not an easy feat in Mozambiqııe............................................
The Global Campaign for Orphans and Chiidren made Vulnerable by HIV/AIDS..................................................
4.1 Nevvly diagnosed HIV infections in Eastern Europe and Central
Asia, 1993-2003................................
4.2 Chiidren orphaned by AİDS
in sub-Saharan Africa......................
4.3 Grandparents are increasingly shouldering the burden of care
for orphans........................................
4.4 Sub-Saharan Africa, epicentre of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, is the only region where orphan numbers are increasing....................
4.5 Challenges facing chiidren and families affected by HIV and AİDS....
4.6 Access to antiretrovirals, by region, as of end-2003......................
Childhood UnderThreat: HIV/AIDS........
Child trafficking, a special
contribution by H.M. Ûueen
Sylvia of Svveden....................................
The human rights-based approach
to development: Examples from
Latin America..........................................
China's 'digital divide'............................
A vvilllng vvorld can end child
poverty, a special contribution
by Joseph E. Stiglîtz................................