Health needs of adolescents

Book : Health needs of adolescents

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 120609 8

Publish Date : January 1977

Publisher : International Labour Offıce Geneva

Book Type : Booklet

Book Number : 472


1. Introduction
1.1 Definition of the period of adolescence . .
2. Some basic physiological and psychosocial needs
2.1 Growth and development
2.2 Nutritional and psychosocial needs
2.3 Sociocultural factors affecting the development of adolescents
3. Health problems and their magnitude
3.1 Morbidity patterns during adolescence
3.2 Health-related behavioural problems
4. Factors affecting physical and psychosocial health
4.1 Individual factors
4.2 Environmental factors
5. Special health needs of adolescents
5.1 Adolescence as a stressful transition period
5.2 Particularly significant transitions
5.3 The adolescent migrant
5.4 The handicapped adolescent
6. Health care of adolescents
6.1 Types of service
6.2 Innovative approaches
6.3 Characteristics of programmes
7. Education and training
8 Emerging concepts and perspectives
9. Recommendations
9.1 Services
9.2 Education and training
9.3 Research
Annexes. Death rates from selected causes