Childwork, Poverty and Underdevelopment
INDEXPrefaceChapter 1: The Economic Roles of Children: Issues for Analysis - by Gerry Rodgers and Guy Standing Chapter 2: Perspectives and Data Requirements for the Study of Children's Work - by Terence Hull Chapter 3: The Employment of Children in Kano - by Enid Schildkrout Chapter 4: The Child in Africa: Socialisation, Education and Work - by Manga Bekombo Chapter 5: The Exploitation of Children in the "Informal Sector" : Proposals for Research - by Alain Morice Chapter 6: Urban Poverty and Child Work: Elements for the Analysis of Child Work in Chile - by Maria de la Luz Silva Chapter 7: The Economic Roles of Children in India: Methodological Issues -by Leela Dube Chapter 8: Household and Non-household Activities of Youths: Issues of Modelling, Data and Estimation Strategies - by Mark R. Rosenzweig Chapter 9: Labour Market Structure and Reproductive Behaviour in Rural South Asia - by Mead Cain and A.B.M. Khorshed Alam Mozumder Bibliography