Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXNONPROFIT and VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLYVolume 34 Number 4 CONTENTS ARTICLES The Impact of Receiving a Master's Degree in Nonprofit Management on Graduates' Professional Lives Kathleen M. Fletcher Funding Good Works: Funding Sources of Faith-Based Social Service Coalitions Helen Rose Ebangh, Janet S. Chafetz, and Paula Pipes Nonprofits and the Job Retention of Former Welfare Clients Felice Davidson Perlmutter, John R. Deckop, Alison M. Konrad, and Joshua L. Freely The Demand for Volunteer Labor: A Study of Hospital Volunteers Femida Handy and Narasimhan Srinivasan Are They Here for the Long Haul? The Effects of Functional Motives and Personality Facti on the Psychological Contracts of Volunteers Matthew A. Liao-Troth INSIGHTS Building Ethical Capacity for Collaborative Research Brent Coffin BOOK REVIEWS Making Good Citizens: Education and Civil Society edited by Diane Ravitch and Joseph P. Viteritti Educating Citizens: International Perspectives on Civic Values and School Choice edited by Patrick J. Wolf and Stephen Macedo REVIEWED BY KENNETH B. PERKINS Giving and Volunteering in the Netherlands: Sociological and Psychological Perspectives by Rene Bekkers REVIEWED BY LESLEY HUSTINX Effective Economic Decision-Making by Nonprofit Organizations edited by Dennis R. Young REVIEWED BY ALICIA PHILIPP The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management, 2nd Edition by Robert D. Herman and Associates REVIEWED BY RUSS CARGO Pathways to Nonprofit Excellence by Paul C. Light Sustaining Nonprofit Performance: The Case for Capacity Building and the Evidence to Support It by Paul C. Light REVIEWED BY BETH GAZLEY Index