Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety
INDEXEditorialJukka Takala National Occupational Safety and Health Programmes that can support safety and health culture at the workplace Tsuyoshi Kawakami, Yuka Ujita Participatory approaches to creating health and safety culture in Gumi Industrial Complex, Korea Kuck Hyeun Woo, Jin Seok Kim, Jay Young Yu, Tae Sung Choi WIND (Work Improvement in Neighbourhood Development) Programme How the programme has helped farmers build safe am healthy farms in the Mekong Delta area,Vietnam Ton That Khai, Vietnam, Tsuyoshi Kawakami, Kazutaka Kogi "Zero accident vision Jorma Saari Silicosis among agate workers: Efforts to promote acceptance of safer technology Jagdish Patel Recognizing national culture as a determinant of safety subculture Maria Lurenda Suplido-Westergaard Congresses 28th ICOH World Congress Instructions for contributors The 4th International Congress on Women, Work and Health 2005: A success story Sunita Kaistha, Amita Sahaya, Kaisa Kauppinen WHO Occupational Health Network's Work Planq under preparation Suvi Lehtinen