African Newsletter on Occupational Health And Safety
INDEXContentsEditorial D.C. Capie IEA Development of field and laboratory ergonomic investigations in South Africa P.A. Scott SOUTH AFRICA Ergonomics in small-scale grain mills in Nigeria M.G.Yisa Nigeria Ergonomics in post-harvest agro-processing M. McNeill UNITED KINGDOM Are workers in small-scale industries in Dar es Salaam aware of occupational ergonomics principles? L.M.B. Rongo TANZANIA Ergonomic hazards in the cotton spinning industry in Zimbabwe B. Mutetwa ZIMBABWE Occupational health and safety in East Africa S. Lehtinen FINLAND Occupational safety and health in the rural sector D.H. O'Neill UNITED KINGDOM Wider perspectives for workers' safety and health through labour inspection S. Lehtinen FINLAND