African Newsletter on Occupational Health And Safety
INDEXContentsEditorial Jukka Starck FINLAND Preventing adverse effects of noise and vibration in the South African mining industry J.i. Phillips, C. Nelson, M.H. Ross SOUTH AFRICA Noise levels in Nigeria: Health hazards and problems associated with their control F.E. Ofoge NIGERIA Communication and noise E. Airo FINLAND The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health: Work Plan 2006-2010 approved S. Lehtinen FINLAND Data on occupational hygienic exposure in assessment and management of workplace hazards J.A. Hanshi, A. Rashid KENYA ICOH2006: Centennial celebrations, high-level scientific sessions and an abundance of practical information S. Lehtinen ICOH2006: Observations on the ICOH sessions dealing with noise I. Starck