The End Of Child Labour: Within Reach
INDEXContentsPreface............................ Executive summary..................... Introduction......................... Parti. Making progress in combating child labour . . . Child labour trends..................... Methodology and underlying data.............. Definitions.......................... Key results.......................... Summary........................... National action........................ Progress at the national level................. Progress on ratification and implementation of standards . . The central role of employers'and workers'organizations . . Reaching a critical threshold in child labour elimination The high child labour equilibrium society.......... Towards a low child labour equilibrium society....... A caveat............................ Guiding principles and concepts.............. A comprehensive policy framework.............. A growing global consensus.................. Types of child labour proscribed under international law. . . Growing understanding of the causes of child labour . . . . Strategic frameworks to guide the response.......... The impact of instability.................. Part II. ILO action against child labour.................. ILO action on child labour since 2002: Developments and reflections. Reinforcing IPEC............................... Mainstreaming across the ILO's Decent Work Agenda............ Summing up................................. Part III. Global challenges................ Mainstreaming....................... Rationale and requirements................. MDGs and PRSPs..................... Poverty reduction strategies................. Child labour and education for all............. HIV/AIDS......................... Youth employment..................... Child labour and Africa's future.............. Africa at risk........................ A moment of opportunity for Africa............ Identifying entry points in the follow-up to the G8 Summit The role of IPEC....................... Strengthening the worldwide movement......... A key pillar of action.................... Defining the worldwide movement............. A growing set of global actors................ Engagement of other intergovernmental organizations . . . The donor community................... Non-governmental organizations.............. Sectoral alliances: A review 1995-2005........... The media and the research community.......... Linking EFA and child labour elimination......... Children's participation................... Global child labour debates................. A stronger but still fragmented worldwide movemenr . . . Part IV. Towards a global action plan............. Proposed action plan..................... Global goal and targets..................... Specific action for the ILO................... Supporting national responses to child labour.......... Deepening and strengthening the worldwide movement..... Further integration of child labour within overall ILO priorities Summing up........................... VI