The State Of The World's Children 1992
INDEXTHE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1992Introduction: Agenda for a new order The political and economic changes of recent years have made it clear that a new world order is evolving. UNICEF submits ten propositions for the agenda of that new order - from the point of view of a world wide organization which comes into daily contact with some of humanity's most acute problems. 1 1. Keeping the promise The 1990 World Summit for Children made a great promise to the children of the 1990s. It was a promise, among other things, to drastically reduce child deaths and child malnutrition, and to ensure that all children have at least a basic education, by the end of the century. That promise must now be kept. 5 2. First call for children 3. Fewer deaths, fewer births Protection for the growing minds and bodies of children should have a first call on the resources of the adult world - and children should be able to count on that commitment in good times and in bad. page IS The effort to protect the lives and the health of millions of the world's children is in synergy with, not opposition to, the effort to slow population growth. page 21 4. Investing in people Today's consensus on a 'market friendly' approach to development should be accompanied by a corresponding consensus on the need to guarantee basic investments in people and particularly in the health and education of children. page 24 5. Aid and need Increases in international aid should be based on a sustained and measurable commitment to meeting minimum human needs. page 35 6. The economic environment Action by the industrialized nations to lighten the burden of debt and to open markets is essential if economic reform in the developing world is to succeed in allowing its people to earn a decent living. page 40 7. Disarmament Demilitarization in the developing world, and reduced military spending in the industrialized world, should be linked to increases in the resources available for development and the resolution of common global problems, 45 8. Setting Africa free Most of Africa's debts should be forgiven and internal economic reform should be given a chance to succeed by increased external support. 9. The apartheid of gender A new world order should oppose the apartheid of gender as vigorously as the apartheid of race. page 57 10. Planning births The well informed planning of births is one of the most effective and least expensive ways of improving the quality of life on earth. page 58 Statistical tables Basic indicators, nutrition, health, education, demographic indicators; economic indicators, women, less populous countries, the rate of progress. page 69