Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
INDEXNONPROFIT and VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLYVolume 36 Number 3 CONTENTS ARTICLES The Purpose (and Perils) of Government-Nonprofit Partnership Beth Gazley and Jeffrey L. Brudney Acting in the Public Interest Another Look at Research on Nonprofit Governance Melissa M. Stone and Vrancie Ostroiver Factors Explaining the Rating of Microfinance Institutions Begona Gutierrez-Nieto and Carlos Serrano-Cinca Superficial Friends: A Content Analysis of Nonprofit and Philanthropy Coverage in Nine Major Newspapers Matthew Hale The Effects of Children and Employment Status on the Volunteer Work of American Women Thomas Kotolo and John Wilson RESEARCH NOTE The Value of Volunteering for a Nonprofit Membership Association: The Case of ARNOVA Laurie Mook, Femida Handy, Jorge Ginieniewicz, and Jack Quarter INSIGHTS The Relativity of Foundation Effectiveness: The Case of Community Foundations Francie Ostroiver BOOK REVIEWS Effective Management of Social Enterprises: Lessons from Business and Civil Society Organizations in Iberoamerica Edited by James E. Austin, Roberto Gutierrez, Enrique Ogliastri, Ezequiel Reficco REVIEWED BY RICHARD HOEFER Contesting Communities: The Transformation of Workplace Charity by Emily Barman REVIEWED BY ALTCE KORNGOLD Effective Philanthropy: Organizational Success Through Deep Diversity and Gender Equality by Mary Ellen S. Capek and Molly Mead REVIEWED BY SUZANNE EEENEY Wise Economic Decision-Making in Uncertain Times: Using Nonprofit Resources Effectively Edited by Dennis Young REVIEWED BY FRANCIS BARCHI AND FEMIDA HANDY Creative Philanthropy: Toward a New Philanthropy for the Twenty-First Century by Helmut K. Anheier and Diana Leat REVIEWED BY RONALD AUSTIN WELLS